When I was about 13, I chose to leave my home because of many reasons. There was abuse, drugs, alcohol, and more happening at that time. I was homeless until about 16, then again until 18 when I decided to get my life together. But, if it wasn’t for those loving individuals who took me in, gave me a place to stay, food, clothing, and finally something to hope for, I would either be dead, homeless suffering through drugs, and alcohol. I thank God every day for those people, and now its our turn to help those out which are calling silently to us. I hope you will help this ministry out, and heed the calling to help out your neighbor and show them hope! There is a feeling that if we build it they will come, or that they don’t want to be saved. Or, etc… You are absolutely correct. But, they are already here, and coming. Soon, it will be unsightly like the larger cities and then what? We need to be proactive, and an example that a small community like us, can do what should be done in a big city or small.

We are trying to raise money for more backpacks, and towards a Homeless mitigation site. We are planning a low barrier mitigation, so they are able to transition to a high barrier site. With that, and backpacks we desperately need your support. We hand out a minimum of 100 per month, and could use more. That gives you an idea of how many there are in this valley. Reports indicate only about 250, and more in the surrounding areas. But, it is rumored to be in the much higher numbers.

You can have a direct impact on the lives of your neighbors facing homelessness. Our work is more crucial than ever. Help us show up for our unhoused neighbors and support them as they transition into housing. Help us do our outreach with empathy and patience, Living on the streets can be incredibly lonely, and our goal has always been to create a supportive community for the people we help. That’s the first step to making any sort of change.

Board of Directors

Tony Dorland       CEO, Founder & President

God the Father      Director of Supportive Services

God the Son       Director of Partnerships & Media

God the Holy Spirit  Director